
Top 4 Myths About AI Content SEO Ranking

The AI craze has taken over the digital world, with professionals and experts raving about its functionality and benefits. Everyone has unproven AI content generation theories, and myths have taken root like ancient legends. It's a digital twilight zone where some fervently declare that AI-generated content can never top the search engine rankings, while others hail it as the zenith of optimization.


The confusing environment has left SEO professionals unsure about their ranking methods. More importantly, content marketers and copywriters are worried about their future if AI has the potential to create perfectly optimized content. The reality is not as black and white as perceived by most individuals. We will separate fiction from facts, helping you to make the best use of AI-generated content for SEO.

What is AI Content?

AI content refers to computer-generated, inorganic content. It is a mashup of different elements upon the user's request, making it less authoritative than human-written content. AI content can be curated with specific instructions to meet requirements. However, it always sticks to a particular writing style and does not convey unique information. AI-generated content has become the norm rather than the exception. Since it is easy to identify, readers do not like it when they encounter AI-written content.


Machine learning training models are at the core of AI-generated content. AI bots like ChatGPT are trained on human-written blogs, articles, books, and other literary pieces. When a user enters a prompt, the AI analyses and joins everything it knows about the topic. Hence, it seems like a random assortment of information rather than expert opinion. AI generated content marketing is failing to have a lasting impact on the digital world. Its faults have become transparent after initial success. The most fierce supporters of AI are now starting to see that it cannot replace human-written content.

SEO Content Marketing

SEO content ranking depends on several factors, such as EEAT, keywords, and user engagement. Link building, bounce rates, and other methods affect SEO ranking, but content quality is also essential. Google prefers ranking EEAT-compliant content. It wants the readers to come across high-quality blogs and articles instead of stumbling upon random web pages. These factors are necessary when writing anything from an opinion piece to a tutorial blog. The copywriting tone contributes to SEO content writing. Although, even good-quality content can suffer from poor ranking due to poor keyword selection. In any case, an experienced copywriting tone with valuable advice contributes to SEO content ranking.


The purpose of blogs, articles, journals, or any other written piece is to convey valuable information. It is where Google's E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) guidelines come into play, designed to prevent advice, expertise, and opinions from getting buried beneath poorly crafted content. You must have come across articles that contain no helpful information but are ranking at the top. Google aims to eliminate such instances as these websites or blogs do not provide value to users. EEAT ranking is created to ensure that most users find expert advice on their desired topic.


AI content marketing tools claim they provide EEAT-compliant data. However, a thorough read or observation makes it clear that AI-generated content does not deliver expert advice on any topic. It does not generate unique content, making it less likely to rank well on search engines.


EEAT serves as a gatekeeper, ensuring that the highest-ranking content is not a mere concoction of random keyword-stuffed jargon but a wellspring of relevance and value. The triumph of uniqueness over the chaotic deluge of information is paramount. It signals a shift towards content that not only captures the attention of search engines but, more importantly, resonates with the needs and expectations of the discerning reader. EEAT fosters this shift, steering us from the abyss of random content towards relevance. It's a reminder that content quality should always outshine superficiality.

Top 4 AI Content Myths

Do you want to know if AI content is a farce or a revolution? Let us look at some of the most common AI content myths. These myths apply to all LLMs, and most SEO management services utilize LLMs these days. Relying on AI is not necessarily detrimental but has no outstanding benefits. It is effective for saving time if you need to generate significant content in a short time.

Myth 1: AI Generates Unique Content

LLMs are merely data collection entities, lacking the resources to produce something new. These models heavily rely on their database to generate an output. They cannot generate novel information or form an opinion about specific topics. They operate by stitching together fragments of information from their extensive databases. Imagine them as digital librarians without personal opinions, emotions, or comprehension of uniqueness. They merely churn out sentences and structures based on patterns they've learned from the vast troves of text they've ingested.

They do not grasp sentiments, empathy, or nuance. What they do comprehend is numerical representations of emotions derived from the data they've been trained on. It means AI-generated content marketing is merely a numerical representation of emotions derived from the data. Any digital marketer will express the necessity for compelling content. Hence, human-written content takes the cake in this aspect.

LLMs are remarkable tools for generating contextually relevant and grammatically sound text, but they are far from the bastions of creativity or emotional resonance. They are, at their core, machines processing and regurgitating information.

Myth 2: AI Content Cannot Rank On Google

The notion that AI-generated content cannot secure a place among the top ranks on Google is a misconception. AI is not inherently incapable of writing SEO content; it is just that it is often inadequate to EEAT guidelines. Google has not modified search engines to reject AI content. The problem is in the copywriting tone, substance, and sentence structures. Computers use many adjectives and adverbs that decrease readability. As a result, they fail to attract or compel viewers. 

The key takeaway is that the limitations of AI-generated content are not an indictment of AI itself but rather a call for refining the training and application of these powerful language models.

Myth 3: Generative AI Creates SEO-Optimized Content

LLMs do not excel in creating SEO-friendly content, contrary to popular belief. Some innovative platforms, like SpeedyBrand, are actively working on refining their AI engines to generate SEO-friendly content. However, most AI engines in circulation are not proficient in SEO content. It is significantly complex to understand the requirements of SEO-friendly content.

Factors like keyword optimization, meta tags, and structuring are beyond AI's understanding. As a result, expert organic SEO services stay away from chatbots. Qualitative data is hard to analyze for machine learning models. Hence, creating SEO-friendly content is not easy for humans or computers.

Myth 4: AI Produces Accurate Information

ChatGPT and other LLMs often hallucinate and generate false information to fulfill the user prompts. These hallucinations are problematic when writing SEO content. Google and other search engines verify the information on websites. Web pages with poor accuracy lose significant ranking. AI chatbot content marketing is bound to create blogs, articles, and other content pieces with inaccurate information, decreasing the web page ranking. It is essential to double-check the information provided by chatbots. AI content is not a one-stop solution for optimization and ranking. The best AI marketing content is researched and reinforced by human copywriters.


These myths highlight the limitations of AI content generation and AI SEO content ranking. Content creators should use AI as a tool rather than as a replacement. Even with the AI revolution, an expert and effective content marketing agency will not abandon its writers, underscoring the need for human monitoring. The synergy of AI and human expertise can lead to remarkable outcomes. We advise you to prioritize human sentiments when creating high-quality, compelling content. AI is nothing more than a tool and cannot be relied on to create expert and unique content pieces.

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