
How To Collect In App Feedback From SaaS

Image shows in app feedback SaaS image

In a world overflowing with apps, what makes yours stand out? The answer lies in customer satisfaction. But how do you truly know what your users think and feel?

Mobile app survey and in-app feedback can be the secret weapons of your software-as-a-service (SaaS), providing invaluable insights straight from your users while they're actively engaged with your product. 

But how exactly do you go about collecting in app user feedback? That's where we come in. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of collecting in-app feedback in your SaaS application for application usability improvement. From choosing the right feedback tools to implementing effective feedback mechanisms.

Let's get started!

Importance of In-App User Feedback

Enhances User Experience

In-app feedback serves as a direct line of communication between users and SaaS providers, allowing for real-time insights into user satisfaction and pain points. For instance, Zendesk leverages in-app feedback mechanisms to refine its user experience continually. By promptly addressing user concerns and optimizing its platform based on feedback, Zendesk has maintained a high level of user satisfaction, contributing to its position as a leader in customer service software.

Improves Product Development

User feedback is a goldmine of ideas for product enhancements and new feature development. Take Slack, for example. Through in-app feedback analysis, Slack gathers user suggestions and feature requests. This approach has enabled Slack to evolve its platform iteratively, introducing features like threaded conversations and integrations with popular tools. As a result, Slack remains at the forefront of team communication and collaboration tools.

Increases Retention and Satisfaction

Addressing user concerns and implementing their suggestions not only improves the product but also enhances customer satisfaction and retention rates. Trello, a project management tool, is a prime example of this. By actively soliciting and acting upon user feedback, Trello has cultivated a loyal user base that appreciates its responsiveness to user needs. This proactive approach has contributed to Trello's continued success and popularity among project management software solutions.

Validates Product Decisions

Ongoing feedback serves as a reality check for product decisions, validating or challenging assumptions about the product's direction. Asana, a task management tool, relies on in-app feedback to validate new features and updates. By closely monitoring user feedback and behavior, Asana ensures that its product decisions align with user needs and expectations. This user-centric approach has solidified Asana's position as a leading project management solution in the market.

How to Collect In-App Feedback in SaaS

Surveys and Polls

Surveys and polls are among the most straightforward methods for collecting in-app feedback. They allow you to ask users specific questions about their experience, satisfaction, and areas for improvement. These tools can be embedded directly into your app, appearing at strategic moments to capture user input when it’s most relevant.

According to a study by Nielsen Norman Group, short and focused surveys tend to have higher completion rates. Keeping questions concise and relevant to the user's current context within the app increases the likelihood of getting valuable responses. For instance, if a user has just completed a task, a quick survey about their experience can provide immediate and actionable insights.

Mailchimp effectively utilizes embedded surveys within their email marketing platform. After users send out email campaigns, they are prompted with a survey asking about their experience and the results they achieved. This feedback loop helps Mailchimp continually refine their tools and enhance user satisfaction.

To implement surveys in your app, consider using tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms. These platforms allow you to create customizable surveys that can be easily integrated into your app. Trigger these surveys at appropriate times, such as after a user completes a task or achieves a milestone, to capture feedback when it's most fresh and relevant.

Feedback Widgets

Feedback widgets are another essential tool for gathering in-app feedback. These persistent elements within your app allow users to submit feedback at any time. Whether it’s reporting bugs, suggesting features, or leaving general comments, feedback widgets provide a convenient way for users to communicate their thoughts without leaving the app.

According to Forrester Research, making feedback submission as easy as possible is crucial. Feedback widgets should be easily accessible but not intrusive, ensuring they don’t disrupt the user experience. A well-placed widget can significantly increase the volume and quality of feedback received.

Intercom is a great example of a company that utilizes feedback widgets effectively. Their customer messaging platform includes a feedback widget that users can click on to provide feedback without interrupting their workflow. This seamless integration ensures that users can offer their input at any time, leading to more comprehensive feedback collection.

To implement a feedback widget, you can use tools like UserVoice or Canny. These platforms offer customizable feedback widgets that can be embedded in your app. Ensure the widget is prominently placed but not obtrusive, so users are aware of it but not annoyed by its presence.

NPS (Net Promoter Score) Surveys

NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys measure user loyalty by asking how likely users are to recommend your app to others. This simple question, usually rated on a scale from 0 to 10, provides a clear indicator of overall user satisfaction and loyalty.

Bain & Company, the creators of the NPS system, emphasize that companies with high NPS scores tend to grow faster and more sustainably. Regularly measuring NPS can help SaaS companies stay attuned to user sentiment and identify areas for improvement. For example, if a significant portion of users rate their likelihood of recommending the app below 7, it indicates a need for further investigation and enhancement of the user experience.

Slack uses NPS surveys to gauge user loyalty and satisfaction. By periodically asking users to rate their likelihood of recommending Slack, the company gathers essential data on user sentiment. This feedback helps Slack identify promoters, who are likely to spread positive word-of-mouth, and detractors, who may need additional support or feature improvements.

To automate the distribution of NPS surveys within your app, consider using tools like Delighted or Wootric. These platforms can help you easily integrate NPS surveys and analyze the results to identify trends and actionable insights. Regularly track your NPS scores to ensure you're meeting user expectations and continuously improving your product.

Pop-up Messages

Pop-up messages can be used to request feedback at specific points in the user journey. These messages can ask users for their thoughts on recent updates, new features, or overall satisfaction. Pop-up messages are particularly effective when timed correctly, ensuring they appear when users are most likely to provide thoughtful feedback.

Gartner advises using pop-ups sparingly to avoid interrupting the user experience. Timing and relevance are key; pop-ups should appear at logical points in the user journey, such as after completing a task or exploring a new feature. This strategic approach increases the chances of users engaging with the feedback request and providing meaningful insights.

Trello, a project management tool, effectively uses pop-up messages to solicit feedback after users interact with new features. This immediate feedback helps Trello understand how users are responding to changes and make necessary adjustments based on user input.

To create and manage pop-up messages, consider tools like Pendo or Appcues. These platforms allow you to design custom pop-ups that trigger based on user actions. Ensure your pop-ups are contextually relevant and appear at appropriate times to maximize user engagement and feedback quality.

Live Chat and Support Tickets

Live chat and support ticket systems enable users to communicate their issues or suggestions in real-time. This method not only collects feedback but also provides immediate assistance to users, enhancing their overall experience with your app.

According to HubSpot, live chat has the highest satisfaction level for any customer service channel. Providing real-time support can significantly enhance user satisfaction and loyalty. Users appreciate the ability to get immediate help and offer feedback simultaneously, making live chat a powerful tool for both support and feedback collection.

Zendesk offers an integrated live chat feature that allows users to report issues or ask questions while using the app. This real-time interaction helps Zendesk quickly address user concerns and gather valuable feedback, leading to continuous improvement of their customer service platform.

To facilitate real-time communication, implement live chat tools like Intercom or Zendesk Chat. Ensure your support team is well-equipped to handle and respond to user feedback promptly. This immediate response not only resolves user issues quickly but also shows users that their feedback is valued and acted upon.

User Interviews and Usability Tests

User interviews and usability tests offer in-depth insights into how users interact with your app and what can be improved. These methods involve observing users and asking detailed questions about their experience, providing a deeper understanding of user behavior and pain points.

Nielsen Norman Group emphasizes the value of direct user observation. Seeing users interact with your app can uncover issues that users themselves might not articulate in surveys. Usability tests and interviews provide qualitative data that can complement the quantitative data gathered through other feedback methods.

Dropbox conducts usability tests to observe how users interact with new features. These tests reveal pain points and areas for improvement that might not be evident through other feedback methods. This approach helps Dropbox ensure their product remains user-friendly and meets user needs effectively.

Schedule regular usability tests and user interviews using tools like Lookback or UserTesting. Recruit a diverse group of users to ensure a broad range of perspectives and experiences. These sessions can provide invaluable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping you make informed decisions about product enhancements.

Collecting in-app feedback is a critical component of a successful SaaS strategy. By utilizing methods such as mobile app surveys, feedback widgets, NPS surveys, pop-up messages, live chat, and user interviews, you can gather comprehensive insights from your users. These insights will help you improve your product, enhance user satisfaction, and ultimately drive the success of your SaaS business.

Best Practices for Collecting In-App Feedback in SaaS

Timing is Key

Requesting feedback at the right moment can significantly impact the quality and quantity of responses you receive. It's important to ask for feedback when users are most engaged with your app, such as after they complete a key task or after they’ve spent a significant amount of time using the app. This ensures that their experiences are fresh in their minds, leading to more accurate and actionable feedback.

According to UserTesting, timing your feedback requests to coincide with key user actions or milestones can improve response rates and the relevance of the feedback collected.

 Spotify prompts users to rate their experience after they've finished listening to a playlist or song. This timing captures their immediate reaction and provides more meaningful insights into user satisfaction and preferences.

Use analytics tools to identify the best moments to request feedback. Track user behavior and interactions to determine when they are most engaged and likely to provide valuable input. Tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel can help you pinpoint these moments.

Keep it Simple

When designing feedback forms and surveys, simplicity is crucial. Long and complex surveys can overwhelm users, leading to lower completion rates and less useful feedback. Focus on asking clear and concise questions that target specific aspects of the user experience.

 The Nielsen Norman Group emphasizes that simple and straightforward surveys are more likely to be completed, providing better quality data for analysis.

 Airbnb uses short, targeted surveys to gather feedback from users after their stay. These surveys ask a few key questions about the booking process, the property, and the overall experience, ensuring that users can quickly and easily provide their input.

Limit your surveys to a few essential questions. Use multiple-choice questions for quick responses and include an optional open-ended question for more detailed feedback. Tools like Typeform or SurveyMonkey can help you create user-friendly surveys that are easy to complete.

Act on Feedback

Collecting feedback is only the first step; acting on it is what drives improvement and builds user trust. Users need to see that their feedback leads to tangible changes. This can involve fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving existing ones based on user suggestions.

HubSpot highlights the importance of closing the feedback loop by not only acting on feedback but also communicating back to users about the changes made.

Slack frequently updates its users on the improvements and new features added based on user feedback. They communicate these updates through blog posts, release notes, and in-app notifications, demonstrating their commitment to user satisfaction.

Create a feedback management system where user feedback is categorized, prioritized, and tracked. Regularly update users on the progress of their suggestions and the actions taken. Tools like Trello or Jira can help manage feedback and track the implementation process.

Personalize Requests

Personalized feedback requests can make users feel valued and more likely to respond. Tailoring these requests based on user behavior, preferences, and segments ensures that the feedback solicitation feels relevant and engaging.

According to Salesforce, personalization in customer interactions, including feedback requests, can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Netflix personalizes feedback requests by asking for ratings and suggestions based on the shows and movies users have watched. This relevance makes users more inclined to provide detailed and meaningful feedback.

Use data analytics to segment your users and tailor feedback requests accordingly. Personalized emails or in-app messages that reference specific user actions or preferences can increase response rates. Tools like or Segment can help you create and manage personalized feedback campaigns.

Provide Incentives

Offering incentives can be an effective way to encourage users to provide feedback. Incentives such as discounts, credits, or access to premium features can motivate users to share their thoughts and suggestions.

Research by Psychology Today shows that incentives can boost participation rates and the quality of responses in feedback surveys.

Duolingo offers users extra points or access to special features in exchange for completing feedback surveys. These incentives make users more likely to take the time to provide detailed feedback, which can be used to improve the app.

Clearly communicate the incentives and ensure they are attractive and relevant to your user base. Balance the value of the incentive with the effort required to provide feedback. Platforms like ReferralCandy or Voucherify can help you manage and distribute incentives effectively.

Tools for Collecting In-App Feedback

Effectively collecting in-app feedback requires the right tools. Each tool offers unique features that can help you gather, analyze, and act on feedback efficiently. Here’s an overview of some of the best tools available, including their pros and cons.


About the Tool: SurveyMonkey is a widely-used platform for creating and distributing surveys. It offers a variety of customizable survey templates and robust analytics to help you gather and analyze user feedback.


  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface makes it easy to create surveys.
  • Customization: Offers a wide range of survey templates and question types.
  • Analytics: Provides powerful analytics and reporting tools.


  • Cost: Advanced features can be expensive.
  • Integration: Limited integration options with some apps.


About the Tool: Qualaroo specializes in targeted in-app surveys and feedback collection. Its advanced targeting options allow you to ask specific questions to the right users at the right time.


  • Targeting: Advanced targeting options ensure relevant feedback.
  • Ease of Implementation: Simple to integrate into websites and apps.
  • Actionable Insights: Provides detailed insights and recommendations.


  • Cost: Pricing can be high for small businesses.
  • Customization: Limited customization options for survey appearance.


About the Tool: Hotjar combines feedback widgets, surveys, and user behavior analysis tools like heatmaps and session recordings, providing a comprehensive view of user interactions with your app.


  • Comprehensive Data: Combines qualitative and quantitative data.
  • User Behavior Analysis: Offers heatmaps and session recordings.
  • Feedback Widgets: Easy to implement and use.


  • Performance Impact: Can slow down websites if not properly optimized.
  • Data Overload: The sheer amount of data can be overwhelming.


About the Tool: Intercom provides live chat, customer support, and feedback collection capabilities, allowing real-time interaction with users to gather their feedback and provide support.


  • Real-Time Interaction: Live chat feature enhances customer experience.
  • Integration: Integrates well with other tools and platforms.
  • Comprehensive: Combines support and feedback in one tool.


  • Cost: Can be expensive, especially for small businesses.
  • Complexity: May require a learning curve to fully utilize all features.


About the Tool: Typeform is known for its interactive and engaging survey forms, which encourage higher response rates and more thoughtful feedback from users.


  • Engagement: Interactive forms lead to higher completion rates.
  • Design: Visually appealing and easy to use.
  • Customization: Highly customizable to match branding.


  • Cost: Advanced features require a paid subscription.
  • Integration: Limited integration options compared to other tools.


By understanding and implementing these methods and best practices, you can effectively collect in-app feedback, leading to improved user satisfaction, better product development, and overall business success.

Start by implementing a customer satisfaction survey today! If you need expert assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our mobile app development company that offers top-notch mobile app development services. Let's make your app the best it can be!

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